kdubbels dot github dot io


Schools I went to, and some degrees I was granted

I earned an MA in Sociology from the New School for Social Research in 2013. Here I am on their list of 2013 placements, a lone web developer in a sea of doctoral students. My studies focused on social theory, the history of sociology, historical sociology, and historiography (which are all distinct things with very similar names).

Prior to that, I earned a BA in philosophy in 2011 from the University of Minnesota Duluth. For some reason, the vaunted daily newspaper the Fargo Forum published a mention of me making Dean’s List in Fall of 2010.

Some things I’ve been paid to do

I worked as a research associate at the Information Policy and Access Center from 2013 to 2015. I worked on this survey and published this review of Aram Sinnreich’s The Piracy Crusade: How the Music Industry’s War on Sharing Destroys Markets and Erodes Civil Liberties in the journal Library Quarterly.

I also was acknowledged in the acknowledgements to these books, neither of which I worked on directly. ¯\(ツ)

After leaving the Information Policy and Access Center, I began working as a professional web developer. My web devlepment work has focused on using JavaScript - and D3 in particular - to create interactive data visualizations.

I have also built custom content management systems with Rails and Django (I prefer Ruby as a language and Django as a framework). I also have dabbled in Scheme, Clojure, Haskell, Elixir, and constantly try to apply functional precepts and techniques to the way I write both JavaScript and Ruby.

Programming Stuff I Know

  • JavaScript
    • My strongest language and the one I’ve programmed in most extensively.
  • TypeScript
    • I grew up in an era when anything Microsoft-related was gauche, but TS is 👍
  • CSS
    • Well, I guess we are stuck with it now.
  • HTML
    • Gotta structure those documents with something.
  • Ruby
    • My second strongest language. I’ve primarily used it through Rails.
  • Vim
    • Idk, it seems to work.
  • Git
    • Pretty neat to have a comprehensive history of all your mistakes 😎

Other Essentials

Check me out on…


I don’t use them as often anymore, but I also have a page on tilde.town and a few blocks for D3 fun times:
